Monthly Archives: December 2015

The Holidays Rock (more to Come)

I love Hastings (the store, not the town). Today I hustled the kids out the door and down to the store, and we ‘rented’ the limit of 10 movies.

For free.

The list includes some book-movies, and some reborn classics:
Age of Ultron
Death Note (The Movie)
Insidious 3 (my daughter’s choice)
Scorch Trials
Terminator Genisys
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Happy Holidays!

Star Wars, Movies, and Funny Business

So I might be spending more time here, writing review (which badly needs done), posting opinions (which might need done), and wasting time (which absolutely don’t need done, but I do anyways).

GoodReads, my favorite time-wasting site has applied new formatting updates, and they are not up to my likings. So, until either I get used to the changes, or they make changes I can live with, I will be spending less time there.

I have also been spending more time on another favorite that I abandoned a while back, fully intending to quit, but didn’t… ChickenSmoothie! So much fun, and I love giving away stuff at this time of year.

The other day when we stopped by Barnes & Noble, my daughter decided that she wanted something, and I believe in gimmes – that little thing you buy your kids when you go to the store so they behave and don’t ask for the expensive big thing – but her daddy don’t. So when she asked for the Snow Sleigh, and her daddy said ‘no’, she had a mini-meltdown. I tried to do the ol’ bait-n-switch, with a little tinker thing, but she wasn’t havin’ it. At all.

Until I mentioned Star Wars, and we wound up picking this:


This little girl loves anything Star Wars right now, and that just makes her daddy’s heart melt, so I knew he couldn’t say ‘no’ to this. Sucker!

Later, we watched Tyrion Lannister run around New York with Jupiter Jones while searching for Patch Adams in:


This was a moving, touching, sometimes funny movie. A real tearjerker, so make sure to cuddle with someone you care about, have a fresh box of tissues handy, and plan on telling at least one person you love them after contemplating your own mortality.

Because, what would you do if you only had 90 minutes to live?


I’d finish a good book.

Star Wars Countdown and Reviews

Are you counting down for the new Star Wars movie yet?

We already bought the tickets! (Even if they have all been gifted already… wound up with some last-minute tag-a-longs for the movie… don’t you just love when that happens?) But since they are all already given out, we may actually go and see it opening night, before the presents are given!

SO, to go about preparing for this, I am going to do (and have done) alot of Star Wars-based reading…

Lets start with this short story…

The Passions of Greedo


Forgive the image, it was the only one on the page, and not mine. I think if it were mine, it would have turned out worse. Read the story by clicking the title above, or here. Read my review on GoodReads here.

And remember, The Force is with You!

Writing Night and Book of the Week

Tonight is our weekly Writing Night, meant to be time to write in peace with coffee and pie to fuel the process, but it always seems that I wind up doing more catching up and talking than actually writing.

Tonight’s pie is:


And tonight’s book is:


Review to come, since my writing buddy is tired… But let it be known, that while this book only got 3 stars from me, it is part of a larger thing, and it definitely deserves that title…

Old Review, New Review, Movie Night

So, tonight was de facto movie night, and I watched two films while cleaning out my email Inbox, and realized that I had missed out on doing the review for one of the books that one movie was based on –

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I Am Number Four…

Read my review on GoodReads here. Read IMDB’s review here.

The other movie was Hank Williams: Honky Tonk Blues.

(The cover on IMDB is not nearly as pretty as the cover on the disc I got from the library. I might update this to match, but then, maybe not.)

Hank was a country music legend, and this documentary not only featured his music and original recordings, but so much that I didn’t know about the man – that I’m sure many don’t know. It was sad to hear how much he suffered, and how loved he was by those who knew him. We can all only wish to be as loved and remembered as Hank Williams was.

It was also very humbling to hear a recording of him using a phrase my Pop used to use all the time – a phrase that apparently Hank used just as often…

“Lord willing…”

And Now That NaNo’s Over…

Hi all! Miss me?

I took a hiatus as NaNoWriMo hit me amidst what felt like a thousand other things, including suffering a loss of energy due to medication fluctuations. Most days it was a struggle to just turn on the computer, not to mention get 1667+ words down in Word.

But now that NaNo’s over, and things seem to be balancing out, I intend to get back to what I love… Giving everyone my honest opinion, asked for or not!

I have also started getting books from another source, as well – the Review Gods are being very good to me, and I am hurrying to keep catch up!

I am also going to start reviewing television series’ – an exciting new venture! I received advanced viewing discs of three different series’ from a friend in LA, so look for my thoughts on them. If this goes well, it may become something of a regular feature around here…

Also, I will be starting a Kickstarter soon, so watch for news of that…

As 2015 winds to a close, and with it The Year of Women Writers, I would like to hear thoughts on what next year should bring…

Arts and crafts?

Movies and the stories that inspire them?

Food and fitness?

Or something entirely different?

Right now, 2016 is a clean slate, with lots of potential… So let’s take this year out with a bang, and bring in the next with some pizzazz! For we are what we read!