Monthly Archives: September 2015

Books, New and Old

As the norm, I read an eclectic mix of old and new, fiction and non, children and adult titles. But ‘old’ and ‘new’ are subjective terms. What do I mean, by “Books, Old and New”?

Why, these are books recently read, and ones read not so recently, lacking reviews. (Although there are a few that are written before my time included here, and a few that are yet to be released.) I attempt to remedy that lacking, bit by bit.

In that vein, I present:

Must Love Hellhounds

Read: 21 September 2015


Catching Up With Reviews

I am working on catching up with my reviews again, so this page is going to go through alot of transformations in the next few days. Feel free to check back often and click on the covers for their reviews. If a cover doesn’t take you to a review right away, check back in a day or two – I may not have finished it yet.

I post short reviews with the link back to the full reviews on many sites:




and introducing: NetGalley (for select titles)

Posting all of the reviews at approximately the same time takes a little time in itself. I try to make sure each is given equal love. To write and post a review takes about an hour, although depending on distractions, it can take longer. Some books it is hard to say something about, and others I can’t say enough, but each review takes a chunk of time. I try to make it worthwhile, for me and anyone who reads this.

That said, I also have a bit of literary events and interests that I post about from time to time, and since I travel for work, I may get to share locations like this:


Yes. That is a tunnel made from books. (There will be more photos later.)

I also attend some fascinating events that pertain to literature – in some cases remotely, some directly. Like this one:



And I am continuing my reading challenge – are you still reading along? I’ll be posting my selections for each category soon, and would like to know what you have read…


Finally, this is the year I have declared to be The Year of Women Authors (#yearofwomenauthors #2015YoWA).  I have read books by men and women, but have tried to find books with an emphasis of women. This has expanded my usual reading choices, and encouraged me to release my own story for publication –


So continue reading along, and I’ll have more exclusives coming your way soon!


Baby Donald Makes a Snowfriend

Read: 20 September 2015


Punky Brewster (#1)

Read: 19 September 2015



Cheese & Quackers

Read: 18 September 2015


Another Trip

Today I’m leaving for California. I’ll be attending the ‘Think It Up’ Event, and posting updates for this over the next couple days.

I might not get alot of reading done in this time, but I will try to make up for it by having some much-needed reviews ready to post when I return.

Keep checking here for updates!

This Week’s Reads

The New 52

Read: 09 September 2015


Read: 08 September 2015


The Chef

Read: 07 September 2015

(cover not available for this title)

(click here for review on GoodReads)

Mud Season

Read: 06 September 2015

May I Bring A Friend?

Read: 05 September 2015

Movie Night – Max


Watched: 06 September 2015

Last night we seen a touching story of a boy and his dog, Max. It was an instant family favorite, irregardless of the little inconsistencies that we noticed, coming from a military perspective.

Max is a war hero with PTSD, Justin’s brother’s dog. Justin’s brother Kyle, the good son, was killed while on maneuvers, and even while overseas, Max knew that everything was not kosher in Denmark, as the saying goes. Kyle’s childhood friend was doing a little side business, and used his friend as a cover.

Back home, Justin was a hacker, constantly at odds with his veteran father and hold-it-all-together mother. His friend had him doing a little side business of his own, and the heat was starting to make him sweat as his father was starting to catch on to him.

Not good family relationships, and after Kyle’s funeral, the addition of a strung-out dog adds to a ticking time bomb.

Justin’s friend’s cousin steps in, helping Justin work with Max and challenging racial perspectives (I liked this) with a bit of sass and a bit of manners and a large dose of right and wrong.

But Max isn’t the only Marine come home.

Kyle’s friend shows up, and as soon as he sees Max, everyone knows that something is wrong. What nobody wants to admit, though, is what. Why does Max have such a strong hate for his former handler’s best friend?

A story that does not follow the rules, but leads to a stronger family in the end, the only thing I found missing from the final scenes was Max’s trainer. Did that ever get resolved and cleared up? Or is that a blemish for future sequels? I don’t know.

Max was a great action story, coming-of-age story, family story, military story… the list could go on and on, but I say watch it. Watch it with someone, because most of all, this is a Coming Together story, and you’ll want to to share a smile with someone as it wraps up. Because.