Monthly Archives: March 2015

Who Is Brave Enough?

I have finally caught up on my reviews from my trip to Dallas, and I wanted to let you all know about what’s new and interesting here, as well as draw your attention to some of the exciting things that I have going…


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My older Army brother challenged me (he declined this, saying he didn’t have the patience), and I have already challenged some of my friends, when I thought, who better to share this with?? You all, of course!

I Challenge You To the 2015 Reading Challenge!

Post below to accept the Challenge. So far, my list is growing. There are 50 different categories listed, and after some conversation with friends, there are two ways to approach this Challenge.

The Hard Way: You read one book for each category, no doubles. This could literally take all year, because some of these may take some time to find…

The Easy Way: You can double, triple, and even quadruple up your books. Read one book and fit it into as many categories as you can, then move onto the next. This way will take as much creativity as the Hard Way, but will take less time to complete.

Print out the list and write in your reads. I will hold a contest at the end of the year for both Ways – will you be the winner? You can start anytime, but you’ve only got until the end of this year, and only books you’ve read this year will count. Are you brave enough to accept it?

Updates, Dallas, and Doing Stuff

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So I just got back from a long trip in Dallas, TX. That was the longest lay-over I have ever experienced. Words don’t even begin to describe. But, as you can see above, I had a travel companion. My suitcase was also packed with books. (My friends laughed at me, but somehow, with everything, I still managed to pack smaller and more completely than they did. Books are magic like that!)

What you don’t see here is my shoulder bag. It, too, was packed with books (and my friend’s laptop). After being stuck in the airport for almost two days, and stuck in the hotel in Dallas for more than that, I was so glad that I packed so many books. (Can you believe that I was starting to doubt myself?!) I got alot of reading done, but I also spent time taking in the sights. Unfortunately, my chargers were all in my suitcase, which I had checked due to the weight of it. (Won’t be doing that again.) So that means you’ll have to take my word on stuff.

But this site is not about my travels, oh, no. It’s about books. More specifically, the books I’ve read. And did I ever read!

Besides the stuff I needed to read for this training conference, I managed to read about one complete book a day. (Did I mention that I had alot of downtime due to being stuck?) When the world gives you time, READ!

I also had, in moments of brilliance, ideas about this site. I have added three new classifications above: Children’s Choices (books my daughter has chosen), Graphically Graphic (a home for graphic novels), and Noticing Non-fiction (an under-appreciated genre). Check them out, and the books that are being added to each.

I have also been working on collaborations and other artsy projects. My younger brother has suggested that I write some of my travel stories, so I am at the idea stage on that. Still not sure about it. I have also been working on taking old pictures from the phones and putting them into mini videos. The editing process is longer than I thought it would be, especially since the software I’m using has updated, and I’m still figuring it out. And now that warmer weather is in sight, there are loads of home improvements to be made, and painting projects to be done.

That means, reviews will still keep coming, but after I catch up, there may be some further house-cleaning here, too. I want to make this site easy to navigate, the pages better formatted, and fun for me! After all, once stuff gets easier to update, that means more time to read!

Oh, yeah, and that update from the mystery author I promised… stay tuned! I have an exclusive excerpt to share! And it is amazing…