Monthly Archives: June 2015

Book of the Week (6)

A day late, but here nonetheless:

This week’s choice is a classic, but one that is often overlooked due to the prominence of it’s graphic full-screen counterparts. But, the book deserves a place here, as does the author (all conspiracy theories about it’s authorship aside). SO without further ado:


By: Mary Shelley

A classic tale of creation, life, death, and morality – just because you can do it, should you? This should be required reading for all scientists, especially ones that deal closely with highly sensitive subjects, such as cloning, stem cells, and research.

Read my review on GoodReads here.

I think what I would most like to do would be to have a chance to interview Mary about her book, and learn more that the Introductions could ever explain. I mean, seriously, this was a key (if not the predecessor) title of modern gothic, horror, slasher films and books. Considering the market for such things (even during non-Halloween holidays you can find horror movies at the theater, and books abound at the bookstore). But, yet, this first novel lives on.

Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know!

Book of the Week

On time this week! This week’s Book of the Week is:


By: Cornelia Funke

The sequel to Reckless, this book goes even deeper into the Mirrorworld as Reckless tries to find a cure to the curse the Fairy put on him. New companions join Reckless on his journey, with intent to help and harm, while familiar characters from the first book start to be seen in a new light. Perhaps it is the fact that Reckless is rushing against the clock, or the magnificent story that sweeps you along, but the book moves quickly, carrying the reader with in one huge sweep.

Read my review on GoodReads here.

This book was definitely worthy of the Book of the Week slot, and part of the Year of Women Authors! Double score!



Now if only Ms. Funke would send me a copy of the third book to review, I’d be good!

Book of the Week

Thought I’d get this out a little early this week since I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, and I’ve been late enough as it is. Besides, I don’t think any book will outshine this as my Pick of the Week:

 Lightning Lord

By: Shenoa Carroll-Bradd

A lively, rollicking romp around an alternate Victorian London, filled with steam, surprises, and sudden bouts of lightning fill this book with head-shaking, laugh-inducing semi-drama that begs to be read in one sitting and cries out for a sequel!

(Please, please, please write a sequel!!! And can I be a character, too?)

Read the rest here.

Highly recommended!