Category Archives: Short Storys

New Day, New Me

Well, back in the writer’s chair again. As my co-author types away nearby, and I just adopted a new pet from my favorite addictive site, I feel that it is time that I do something productive with my time, other than workouts, running errands, and shopping.

Time to catch up.

Well, as you may know, it’s been some time since I got much of anything done here. And I should probably give a little background and perspective. I owe it to somebody, I figure.

When I decided to detox from GoodReads and move away from their new interface, I didn’t have any idea how that would affect me, both as a writer, a reviewer, and most importantly a reader. I wound up reading very little, and doing more loafing. It didn’t help much that my medication is constantly being adjusted by my doctor, and I have had ALL KINDS of stuff going on in my personal life that I just wasn’t handling very well.

In short, I was all:


And, oh yeah, we also got this nasty virus on the laptop I had come to rely on for EVERYTHING (thanks to some selective content viewed by my consort) so it was down for the count for a long while. It still does not connect to the internet from home (Thanks, Windows. Thanks, Dell.). So I had to look for an alternative, and can I say now:



Mine may not be an Ultimate, nor is it even remotely new, but it has survived alot of harsh environments, treatment, and even something like this (with Dr. Pepper):


So now here I am, back for all your smart-ass needs in reviewing books. And movies. And whatever else comes up. ‘Cause baby, “You can’t keep a good dog down!”


And now, on to the long awaited reviews:

Summer Update

Hi all! Sorry I’ve been MIA again… It’s been a cray-cray year so far, and things have gone from one bad thing to another so fast that most times I feel like I can’t keep up…

But I haven’t been lax. I’ve kept doing whatever it is that I do, just a bit slower than usual.

And I have a new project that has been taking up quite a bit of my undivided attention. I’d love for you to take a chance and check it out…

Alot of time has been going into editing this book, so I’d love it to get a little attention.

On another note, it is our local library system’s Summer Reading program, so stay tuned for updates from my reading list – I’m behind on posting my reviews, but not on writing them. Tomorrow I’ll share images and updates on my shelves and reading stack…

Also I’ve been hitting the learning curve hard as I find myself in crash courses about computer updates and such while dealing with a connection issue on the borrowed laptop I use, and have found myself returning to “Ol’ Trusty”, my old heavy-duty Toughbook. I find myself amazed at the issues of Windows 10, and the durability of Windows XP.

Finally, I learned today that I was supposed to have taken a language class. I don’t know when that was, so I’ll find out more tomorrow. I may be opening a new chapter (pun intended) in my reading life! How exciting!

Anyways, just wanted to let you all know I’m still alive and still reading! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update and be sure to check out the Kickstarter!

Reviews and Updates – February 18

Yesterday was a bust, with the little one getting croup and being clingy and needy. I didn’t get anything done. I’d hoped maybe I’d get some reading done, but that was a fail, as well.

So, it was a forced break.

But today, after a doctor’s appointment yesterday, and getting some of my needed errands out of the way early (just in case), I think I can get a bit done today that’s been sitting on my “Finish Me” pile (and tabs)…


Don’t forget about my Coloring Contest from the popular webcomic, Girl Genius.

ggmain20160208a^^This one wasn’t colored in, but if you’re enjoying the story so far, you can print it out and post your colored version in the comments below to win a prize!^^

If you like this, you can catch up here, or pick up where we left off, here.



Reading Break – Girl Genius – February 16

Stories and books are loved all the world over, and sometimes I get just a little thrill when I get to see one of my favorite stories talking about one of my favorite subjects…


So, since I decided to do some catching up today while the little one is sick and moaning about dying (don’t know where she got that one…), I’ll post the story arc (up to it’s current location) here…







^^This one wasn’t colored in, but if you’re enjoying the story so far, you can print it out and post your colored version in the comments below to win a prize!^^




If you like this, you can catch up here, or pick up where we left off, here.

And don’t forget about the Coloring Contest! Looking forward to seeing everyone’s renditions!

We’ll return to our regularly scheduled posts tomorrow!

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!

To all of my friends and followers…

Hearts Hooves.ashx


And for anyone still on the fence needing their last last minute something…


Their website says:

In our novels, any couple can play the starring roles as hero or heroine. With 50+ books and ebooks set in exotic locations around the world, there’s something for everyone (even vampire, detective, golf and historical fiction). Our authors blend action and romance to produce fun, campy books for a one-of-a-kind gift or keepsake. Choose “Categories” to narrow in on yours!

Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to or involved with this product.


As to my writing projects… I have decided to go with a Day One approach tomorrow. Day One, starting over. Today, I got some stuff to get caught up on to clear my plate. Tomorrow though, first thing. (This is more a pep talk for myself than anything.)


Reading Updates:

Finished a few books, got a few that need reviewed, and a few current updates.

To start with,


Pg 102 –

In general, people save their warranties in clear folder files or accordion-style files. The attraction of these files is that the documents can be stored in separate compartments. However, therein lies their pitfall.



Stay tuned, y’all…

Quotes and Updates – February 8

Had a wild weekend… Okay, not really. Got a new planner, started a new diet (medically required), got some coloring books, and finished one of my books while picking up on another.

I also visited the library. Yay! I get there so infrequently anymore, that I’m starting to feel like a stranger.

But I am back on track again today.


So, you remember those two books that I kept trying to finish last week? Yeah. Both went back to the library, although only one of them got finished.

For reference, those two are:



Anyone wanna guess which was which? No fear, I’ll be posting a review of the winner later tonight.

As for what I am currently working on, there are two – one is due today, and the other high on that list, too. Any guesses which is which?

For reference, they are…


One of these will get finished and reviewed today, too. Two reviews in one day??



And I know you’ve got a whole week to plan, now, but going to keep this up until the day before Valentine’s, because they also do e-books, in case you need a last minute something.


Their website says:

In our novels, any couple can play the starring roles as hero or heroine. With 50+ books and ebooks set in exotic locations around the world, there’s something for everyone (even vampire, detective, golf and historical fiction). Our authors blend action and romance to produce fun, campy books for a one-of-a-kind gift or keepsake. Choose “Categories” to narrow in on yours!

Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to or involved with this product.


As to my writing projects, I didn’t get anything done. Except planning. I did do some planning. Quite a bit, actually. Now I just need that carrot and stick…


Reading Updates:



Stay tuned, y’all…

Quotes and Updates – February 4

So yesterday was another set-back day. So I am up early this morning, getting things done, and kicking my sleep habit. We got stuff to do, and sleep is a luxury.


This morning I am going to try to finish those two books that are weighing so heavily on me. And maybe one or two others. We’ll see.

For reference, those two are:



Both good books. And I will finish both today, and turn them in, come Hell or high water (good thing I live on a hill)!


And I know I mentioned this yesterday, but going to keep this up until the day before Valentine’s, because they also do e-books, in case you need a last minute something.


Their website says:

In our novels, any couple can play the starring roles as hero or heroine. With 50+ books and ebooks set in exotic locations around the world, there’s something for everyone (even vampire, detective, golf and historical fiction). Our authors blend action and romance to produce fun, campy books for a one-of-a-kind gift or keepsake. Choose “Categories” to narrow in on yours!

Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to or involved with this product.


As to my writing projects, I didn’t get anything done.

I wound up getting visited by out of town relatives. Seems everyone wants to see me lately…

More about what I did accomplish to come…


Reading Updates:


Pg 248 –

“Anytime there is a power shift, people rumble. After you kill the first couple of challengers, you’ll be fine.”

Pg 256 –

Jennifer looked at me. “I’ll give you three wolves.”

“Why three?”

“If there is trouble, one will take custody of you and execute a retreat, while the other two will run interference.”

Pg 263 –

“If she decides that you’re not up to snuff, she’ll fix the mistake of your existence. Her words, not mine.”

“She has a high opinion of herself,” Andrea said.

“Oh yes. When she gets into a car, her ego has to ride shotgun.”

Pg 304 –

The shapeshifters didn’t believe in jails. Typical punishments were death or labor. In the rare cases when they did sentence someone to isolation, they exiles them to a remote area.

Pg 312 –

Damn near half of Atlanta must’ve seen the flag and turned out to watch the Order slug it out with the Plaguebringer. Every single one of them could die tonight and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

Pg 318 –

She started toward me, bringing her goons in a triangular formation: Beast on the left, Gale on the right, and Darkness in the center.

Pg 328 –

“You’re mine. You can’t let her win. She can’t have you.”

Pg 335 –

“Next we have Clan Heavy, the large predators who don’t fit into the other packs. Wereboars, werebison, werewolverines, even a werebaboon, but most of them are bears and bears hate to be surprised. “



Time to get reading, y’all…

Quotes and Updates – February 3

So yesterday was another set-back day. So I am up early this morning, getting things done, and kicking my sleep habit. We got stuff to do, and sleep is a luxury.


This morning I am going to try to finish those two books that are weighing so heavily on me. And maybe one or two others. We’ll see.

For reference, those two are:



Both good books. And I will finish both today, and turn them in, come Hell or high water (good thing I live on a hill)!


And I know I mentioned this yesterday, but going to keep this up until the day before Valentine’s, because they also do e-books, in case you need a last minute something.


Their website says:

In our novels, any couple can play the starring roles as hero or heroine. With 50+ books and ebooks set in exotic locations around the world, there’s something for everyone (even vampire, detective, golf and historical fiction). Our authors blend action and romance to produce fun, campy books for a one-of-a-kind gift or keepsake. Choose “Categories” to narrow in on yours!

Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to or involved with this product.


As to my writing projects, I didn’t get anything done.

I wound up getting visited by not one, but two visitors, and had to watch the new episode of Shannara.


More about what I did accomplish to come…


Reading Updates:


Pg 101 –

The notation stated that the parchment was found inside the amulet and it was blank. Whooptidoo.

Pg 132 –

The night was freezing and I took Karmelion, my old, beat-up truck of a bile green color. It was missing the front light assembly and had more dents than a crushed Coke can, but it ran during magic waves and it would keep me warm. It also made enough noise to wake the dead, but I didn’t care. Being warm won.

Pg 163 –

I had to keep Saiman alive. I needed him to help me with my petition, and I had extended the Order’s protection to him when I agreed to this idiotic date.

Pg 170 –

He saw me and changed direction in midleap. That’s right. Come let me kiss you with my fist, baby.

Pg 177 –

I raised myself on the elbow to kick it off and caught sight of my apartment. We’d wrecked the place. “At least the building is still standing.”

“I pride myself on restraint,” he said.

Pg 187 –

“How many women have you slept with?”

“Well, are we counting long-term partners or one-night stands?”

Pg 196 –

The golem shuddered. One huge columnar leg lifted and stepped forward, shaking the floor.

Pg 216 –

“Erra makes plagues. In ancient times, she walked before Roland’s army. She’d pass through the place and the next morning there would be nothing but corpses.”

Pg 224 –

“What were your children like?”

“Impulsive. And violent. I mostly made boys, and they tended toward the simple pleasures in life: drinking, whoring, and fighting, preferably all three at once.”



Time to get reading, y’all…

Quotes and Updates – February 2

So yesterday my good friend, Brendan Johnson reviewed a book that I had been pushing him to read – Dress for Sexcess. It was, as he likes to put it, a snark-fest. As much as I wanted to hear his thoughts, and more or less knew what he was thinking, it was still fun to read, and had me and my consort laughing as we read it.

You can read it too, right here. He refers to my own review that you can find here, or posted in the tabs above under Adult Advisory and GoodReads First Reads. I had gotten this book from the GoodReads First Reads program, and am on a private mission to get this book into the hands of as many daring reviewers as possible.

*Please note, since I got this book from GoodReads, I am only posting the links to the GoodReads reviews of this. You can also find my review on LeafMarks, although it has not been updated yet. More sites to follow, probably today.


This morning I got an overdue notice for two library books. Ye-ouch. I try not to hang onto library books too long – I know other people want to read them, too. But I hate returning a book partly read. So you will likely see quite a few updates as I read them today.

For reference, they are:



Both good books, but what I call ‘kitty porn’ or ‘fighter porn’ (privately, of course).

So I will be on a readerly mission to finish both today, and turn them in. Be prepared for updates!


Speaking of porn, on the radio this morning, I heard about a tantalizing little suggestion for your bookish honey…


Their website says:

In our novels, any couple can play the starring roles as hero or heroine. With 50+ books and ebooks set in exotic locations around the world, there’s something for everyone (even vampire, detective, golf and historical fiction). Our authors blend action and romance to produce fun, campy books for a one-of-a-kind gift or keepsake. Choose “Categories” to narrow in on yours!

Too cool, right? I’m thinking of getting one, just to try it out. They’re a bit pricey, but no more so than a nice dinner out.

Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to or involved with this product.


As to my writing projects, I didn’t get anything done.

I knew it was an ambitious goal, but got a call, and wound up tied up on the phone yesterday with people calling and being called to let them know about a former neighbor of mine that died suddenly of cancer. It was stunning news for alot of us that didn’t know he had it.

Public service announcement time: if you got something going on that ain’t right, get it checked out. Better safe than sorry. He left behind a year-old baby and young wife. This is the second situation that I have heard of the exact same thing.

I also spent alot of time calling my own doctor to schedule my treatments. The scheduling keeps getting pushed back and falling between the cracks, so I felt that this was a kick in the pants that I needed to stop kicking back and waiting for treatment, and taking a more proactive approach.

Today I will work further on my writing, catching up. This was one of the reasons I refused to add page goals or word counts.

You can follow more of this conversation here.


Reading Updates:


Pg 76 –

A thin streak of white smoke curled from the blade. It could be something, or it could be just Slayer reacting to me being pissed off out of my mind.

Pg 85 –

“Things made total sense: the rakshasas had to have gotten Roland’s sword from somewhere, and who better to give it to them than Roland’s Warlord, Hugh?”


Busy time, y’all…

Quotes and Updates – February 1

So this month I am dedicated to getting back to editing my first novella – The Companion, the first in my new series, Electric Sheep. I planned on getting it done in December, but… yeah.

So this month, for sure.

I am also going to start working on the sequel. This one will be coming from a new direction, but I expect it to be a catalyst to the story.

I will be writing with other writers, to get the first draft written with VBIAM. It is a writing program I have used in the past and is really fun. Feel free to sign up to get daily updates from myself and other writers.

You can read my first message here, dedicating to these new projects (and spoilers as to what is to come!). I encourage you to follow that journey with me.


I am also working on making it a point to update my books more often. I have found in the past that if I update quotes and such for books, I am more likely to read them faster, less likely to put them aside for something new, and more able to keep up with reading multiple stories all at once.

I am bad about the multiple story thing. I have over a dozen books that I am currently in the middle of. I’m going to work on whittling that number down, but I get easily distracted by the new and shiny…


Today I will be updating as I go, so this post will grow as the day progresses… (this is an experiment, so it may not be a permanent feature).

Starting with this morning’s read:


Pg 42 –

“As far as I know, the Casino doesn’t stand on hallowed ground.”

The vampire looked down on me with an air of haughty disdain. Whatever faults Ghastek had, his control over the undead was superb. “That is a matter of opinion.”

Pg 57 –

I didn’t know if a power word would stop it, but I was out of options.

Pg 65 –

Even from this distance, his pose telegraphed violence, tightly coiled and reigned in, but ready to explode at the slightest provocation.



59% –

“How plump and tasty – she must have been fattened on nuts!” exclaimed the old bandit woman.


Well, got to busy myself with looking busy now…